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Peoples Bank & Trust Co. Scholarship Program

Home About Us PB&T Scholarship

Banking Local Helps Local Students Bank On College.

Since 2000, Peoples Bank & Trust Co. has awarded over $1 million in annual college scholarships to graduating high school seniors from our local communities.  

“Our goal is to assist those young adults that have gone above and beyond in high school and are headed to college with the hopes that when they graduate, they become positive and involved members of their local communities and help make a difference. As a community bank, we care about our hometown and want to pass that sense of commitment along to the next generation of community leaders.”                                           – Justin St. Pierre, CEO/President of Peoples Bank & Trust Co.


Scholarship Applications are Due by March 15, 2025.


Before applying, please review the Scholarship Criteria below:

The scholarship provides up to four years of $1,000 per semester, maximum $2,000 per year, toward tuition and room and board to scholarship recipients to the college of their choice.

Any high school senior who is a US citizen who attends a school in Lincoln County (Silex R-1, Elsberry R-2, Troy R-3, and Winfield R-4), Warren County R-III, St. Dominic, Christian High School, Fort Zumwalt (North, South, East and West), Francis Howell Central, Clopton High School, Bowling Green R-I, Louisiana R-2 schools and any Home School students that reside in these districts are eligible to apply.

Minimum cumulative 2.75 grade point average.

The following Merit Standards will prevail:
Scholarship – GPA and ACT/SAT scores – 250 points
Leadership –  250 points
     – Honors/Awards
     – Organization Participation and Positions of Leadership
     – Employment/Community Service
Essay – 250 points
Financial Need – 250 points
Total – 1000 points

Rules for Maintenance of Scholarship
1. Student must provide the Trustee Board with college transcript each semester for review to determine maintenance of eligibility criteria. A minimum cumulative 2.75 grade point average is required. If cumulative grade point average is not met, Trustee Board will enforce a scholastic probation of one semester. If cumulative 2.75 is not obtained, scholarship will be revoked.
2. In the event the student is involved in any disciplinary action with his or her college and/or any law enforcement agency, the scholarship will be subject to review by the Trustee Board with possible revocation.
3. Room and board is limited to on campus housing. If the student chooses to live off campus, or chooses to a sorority or fraternity with higher living expenses, the scholarship will pay only the basic rate of housing for on campus living.
4. All payments will be made directly to the college that the student attends to cover tuition and housing only. The student is responsible for any additional expenses.